Reviewed by Mary McLaughlin, M.S. SpEd; Ma-TESOL Answers to the Big Questions About Childcare Options, Working from Home, and At-Home ECE During the COVID-19 Pandemic As any parent will attest, life with a preschooler can be rather unpredictable. On any given day, you may be met with a cuddly love bug who craves your […]

Reviewed by Mary McLaughlin, M.S. SpEd; Ma-TESOL Abandoned sippy cups rolling around on the floor of the car, a small army of bath toys in the shower, and crushed Cheerios in the rug— as the parent of a preschooler, you’re used to living in controlled chaos. But even you, brave parent of a tiny human, […]
Reviewed by Mary McLaughlin, M.S. SpEd; Ma-TESOL Children are immersed in a highly social world from the moment they are born. This social world includes not only people such as parents, siblings, teachers and classmates, but also objects and values that are part of their culture. All of these things provide a context for a […]

Reviewed by Mary McLaughlin, M.S. SpEd; Ma-TESOL It’s no secret that the face of education has changed dramatically over the past ten years or so. Teachers across the country are working hard to equip children with the skills needed for success in the 21st century world. In addition to instilling in students the flexibility to […]

Preschool teaching expectations are changing. Some things are constant: parents will always seek a safe environment where their child can learn to get along with others, develop independence and strengthen creativity, practice self-expression and learn to follow routines. However, new initiatives are afoot: what began as NCLB (No Child Left Behind) legislation has morphed into […]

Kids are crazy for technology! And it’s important to provide early learners with time to simply play, create and use their imaginations. However, teachers must also ensure that students learn to use current technology in this constantly-evolving world. Integrating technology, when done well, not only reinforces key technical skills children need to thrive in the […]

One of the greatest things about starting a new school year is that you get to begin with a clean slate. You can decide how to decorate your room, how to organize your schedule and how to teach your students. Sometimes, though, it hits you that you just spent a whole school year teaching one […]

Learning to read can be quite an overwhelming task for small children. In fact, if you think about it, it’s astounding that children are even capable of learning to read in such a short amount of time.

The first day of school is always exciting for both students and teachers. In fact, I still remember my first day of school as a kindergarten student!

Too often it seems as though we believe children exist only from the neck up — that they consist of brains alone. In George Graham’s book, Teaching Children Physical Education, he talks about going to school boards to fight for the inclusion of physical education in the curriculum. Yes, he admits, it would be easier […]